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Teacher Jobs in Ad Dakhliyah

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jobs 46 - 56 of 56
  • Job As An English Teacher

  • Bahla |    Jun 16, 2014
  • Bahla, Ad Dakhliyah - I am a Ugandan aged 24 with a bachelor's degree in social sciences and tefl certificate currently working in Bahla. Am seeking employment in an educ...
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  • English Teachers

  • Nizwa |    Dec 12, 2013 ESL employment
  • ESL employment - Nizwa, Ad Dakhliyah - English Teachers The Foundation Programme at the University of Nizwa teaches English to young adults to prepare them for
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  • Elementry Teachers

  • Bahla |    Sep 7, 2013
  • Nizwa, Ad Dakhliyah - Bahla, Ad Dakhliyah - Bahla private school, has vacanciese for female, 2 English Teachers, 2Maths, 1Sience, 1Deputy Headteacher. Acomodation is
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