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HR Jobs in Taqa
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Hr Generalist / Taqa Gas
- Taqa | Dec 29, 2017
- Taqa, Dhofar - .. Support HR Functions [Payroll..Training Recruitment..Organization Development] - .. Bachelor degree ..English section - .. HR background is preferable
Hr Generalist / Taqa Gas
- Taqa | Dec 22, 2017
- Taqa, Dhofar - 1. Maintain up..to..date and accurate lists of jobs and vacancies within the business unit and regular contact with managers to be able to identify staffin...
Hr Business Partner, Taqa Bratani
- Taqa | May 30, 2014
- Taqa, Dhofar - We are TAQA, the international energy company from Abu Dhabi, a multi-cultural, diverse team of professionals united by one set of strong values. We know t...
Compensation/hr Analyst
- Taqa | Nov 24, 2013
- Calgary, AB - Taqa, Dhofar - An Emerging Global Energy Player, TAQA has been named one of Alberta's Top Employers for the 6th consecutive year. TAQA North Ltd., a subsidi...