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Dental Assistant Jobs in Seeb

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jobs 1 - 14 of 14
  • Dental Assistant / Nurse Wanted

  • Seeb |    Feb 9, 2021
  • Seeb, Muscat - Nurse/ Dental assistant needed for a reputed medical complex in al Mawelieh. Preferd any nationality and ready to work and Avilable with Licence or
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  • Male Nurse

  • Seeb |    Apr 8, 2019
  • Seeb, Muscat - Looking for a job as a Nurse with 2 years 7 months experience as a surgical ward nurse and 9 months dental assistant. Prometrics and data flow done...
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  • Nurses Required مطلوب ممرضات

  • Seeb |    Jul 25, 2017
  • Seeb, Muscat - مطلوب ممرضات عمانيات او مقيمات للعمل كمساعدات سنيات في مركز راقي متخصص في طب الاسنان في الخوض Female Nurses required to work in Dental Center as Dental
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  • Nurses Required

  • Seeb |    Apr 20, 2017
  • Seeb, Muscat - Registered Female Nurses required to work in Dental Center as Dental assistants in al khoud.. preferable philipinnes nationality please contact in
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  • Dental Assistant Needed

  • Seeb |    Mar 13, 2016
  • Seeb, Muscat - We have our dental clinic in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. We are urgently looking for a professional dental nurse or dental assistant. Candidate must have
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